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Imprimante Brother MFC-J265W
06-06-2015, 17:45, (Modification du message : 06-06-2015, 18:19 par PhilippeG.)
Imprimante Brother MFC-J265W

Télécharger : Driver Install Tool

Get superuser authorization with the "su" command or "sudo su" command.
Step5. Run the tool:
Command: bash linux-brprinter-installer-*.*.*-* Brother machine name
Step6. The driver installation will start. Follow the installation screen directions.
When you see the message "Will you specify the DeviceURI ?",
For USB Users: Choose N(No)
For Network Users: Choose Y(Yes) and DeviceURI.
The install process may take some time. Please wait until it is complete.

Installer une application pour scanner :
simple-scan (par défaut sous Mint, application graphique)
ligne de commande : sudo simple-scan

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